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Group Email
The group email tool has some exciting features that will make sending email very easy. From People > Group Email, you can do any of the following:
- Create and manage templates
- Choose recipients from individuals and people lists
- Notify yourself (or anyone else) by email when a message has been sent
- Save an email message to contacts (which can be tracked and viewed again later)
- Send a test message
- Save drafts for sending later
- View sent email
- Delegate people who can send email on your behalf
Group email can be sent from any Group or People Query results list. You can also access it from the People > Group Email.
Security Access
Users must have the Email Author security right to work with any aspect of email. Additional rights are available as follows:
- Email, Template Publisher—this right gives the user the ability to create and share templates with other users.
- Email, View Confidential—this right gives the user the ability to view email messages that have been sent using both the Create a closed contact item for each recipient and the Contact item is confidential check boxes selected.